Global Logistic's Mr. Schwartz said prices for Chinese industrial land have increased an average of 12% a year since the end of the global recession. 司马景瀚说,中国工业用地价格自从全球衰退结束以来平均上涨了12%。
Industrial Land Development Strategy Study 工业用地发展策略研究
In China, suitability evaluation general used for farmland and urban ecological land ecology suitability evaluation, but the application in the planning evaluation of industrial land use is less. 反在人邦,相宜性评价普通长用于工田和城市用地的生态相宜性评价,而反在工业用地的规划评价方里的当用案例较长。
On Application of Short-term Tenancy System to Industrial Land Use in Chinese Development Zone 关于我国开发区工业用地实行短租制的探讨
An empirical study on the effect factors of the intensive utilization of industrial land use 工业用地集约水平影响因素实证研究&以常州、南通、盐城为例
Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Industrial Land in Xi'an City with Background of Rapid Urbanization 快速城市化背景下的西安市工业用地时空演变分析
As for investors who come to invest or cooperate in Hefei from outside or oversea, we implement very favorable policies to provide them with Industrial land. 对境外、市外投资者来我市投资合作,实行低门槛的工业性用地政策。
Web site clients are: firstly, urban construction land in the Asian region: these include industrial land, civil manner, unit supply and demand of land and private land in business. 网站的服务对象是:一、亚洲区域城市建设用地:其中包括工业用地、民用地、单位用地和私人用地的供求业务。
Thinking of the Industrial Heritage Protection and Renewal in Tianjin's Industrial Land Recombination 天津城市工业用地重组中工业遗产保护与更新的思考
It will be practical significance that we learn successful experience which using ecological landscape design method to renovate and update abandoned industrial land from Western countries. 学习和借鉴西方国家废弃地改造的成功经验,运用生态与景观设计的方法对工业废弃地进行改造和更新,具有现实意义。
Through a comparison between the ways of industrial land selling and profit-oriented land selling, this paper concludes that the industrial used land sold by agreement goes against the arable land protection of this country and causes loss of state-owned land property. 摘要通过对经营性用地和工业用地的出让方式进行比较,认为工业用地的协议出让方式不利于我国的耕地数量保护,造成了国有土地资产大量流失。
Mainly includes industrial land scattered, layout proportion of large land, land of the differential effectiveness has not been fully reflected, serious environmental pollution and so on. 主要包括产业用地布局分散、用地比例偏大、土地的级差效益没有得到充分的体现、环境污染严重等。
Against the backdrop of policy tightening in the land sales market, land transactions in Shanghai were quiet in the past month or so, which consisted mainly of industrial land. 在土地市场调控背景下,前几个月上海土地市场成交清淡,成交主要集中于工业地块。
Study on Intensive Use Potential of Township Industrial Land 乡镇工业用地集约利用潜力研究&以江苏省金坛市为例
Study on the Price Theory of Industrial Land and the Lowest Granting Price Standard 工业用地价格理论与出让最低价标准研究
Industrial land ( industrial sites, energy and transport facilities, etc.): Often requires individual valuation because of uniqueness of properties. 工业用地(工厂,能源交通设施等):因为独特性,经常需要个别评估。
Analysis and Evaluation of Industrial Land Efficiency and Intensive Use in Fujian Province 福建省工业用地效率分析与集约利用评价
Industrial land conditioned with comprehensive purposes or given social and public utility. 或特定社会、公益建设条件的工业用地。
Formed industrial land ( 2) Proper readjustment of existing industry and commerce; 经过整理的工业用地(二)现有工商业的合理调整;
Leaseholds for agriculture, commercial and industrial land is30 years. 农业,商业和工业土地的租赁权在30年。
The threshold of industrial land acquisition in Chengdu has been raised. 成都工业用地门槛抬高。
The application results show that grey measure formula can be used as one of effective methods in the assessment of industrial land use. 研究结果表明,集约度的灰色测度方法可作为工业用地集约度测算的一种有效方法。
The future land use structure was forecasted on the basis of industrial land classification. 研究结果:运用新建基于产业的产业用地分类,预测了未来中国产业用地规划结构。
The industrial land structure changes along with the change of output structure and economic growth. 产业用地结构随着产业产值结构变化和经济增长方式转变而变化;
Industrial land sprawl, affective and leading, is the main body of land sprawl of small town. 工业用地是小城镇用地扩张的主体,它具有带动性和先导性。
The supply policy reform of the industrial land directly affects the state industrialization. 工业用地供给政策的改革是我国国土资源管理中的大事,它直接关系到我国工业化进程能否顺利完成。
With the industrial land focused and the rapid economic development, the contradiction of development zone is becoming important. 开发区作为工业用地集中和经济发展迅速的区域,这种供需矛盾更为显著。
Finally, give some corresponding countermeasures to promote the intensive use of industrial land in Qingdao. 最后,提出了促进青岛市工业土地集约利用的相应对策。
Intensive use of urban industrial land is the necessary requirements for economically rational allocation and sustainable use of resources. 城市工业用地集约利用是实现资源合理配置与可持续利用的必然要求;城市工业用地集约利用潜力挖掘是化解社会经济发展用地需求与坚守耕地红线之间矛盾的有效途径。